Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Silencing the little person

Recently the phenomenon of twitter seems to have taken over our office and it's been a pretty cool tool for just finding out about news and technology or just keeping in touch with mates, until today that is.

Today was a dark day for freedom of speech on the internet, I suppose it takes us back to the case of Ellen Simonetti, where apparently personal rights dont account for anything when you're in full time employment.

Anyway back to today, basically slightly negative things were said about a vendor which could've been taken as positive criticism to better a system, but instead the vendor decided to silence this individual.

This is like digital head in the sand don't you think? Rather than finding out what the problem is the guy decided to make a complaint to get the "said posts" removed. I only have one thing to say to big brother bullying of this kind.

Grow up and get the job done

If you can't, then I'm sure there are a million other companies willing to step up and take you place, if you spent less time silencing and more time listening then you might actually progress.

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