Saturday, 21 June 2008

How should online advertising be done? Part 1

This is going to be an on going argument for many posts to come.

For the first post on this let me tell you what you shouldn't be doing before you I explain what you should be doing. Why? I here you ask.

We quite simple, for me I had issues with concepting after coming from a relatively techie background, my problem was usually to dive straight in to the detail. So even though I might have had a potentially great banner visually in essence that was what was holding the whole concept together.

Now I'm not saying visuals are not important but it shouldn't be the basis. Also if you're working in online/digital it's possibly fine but in integrated the solution you have come up with will fall short of all your other deliverables (I'll go in to this one another day).

Concentrate on the main proposition and come up with ideas this is what will make a good banner the visuals and copy will follow.

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