Saturday 20 September 2008

Mini Ramsey have released a series of viral videos to promote their job site specialising in hospitality.

Below is part one of a 3 part series

Not sure how comfortable with this campaign but it did get an initial giggle.

Go to to see the follow ups.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Recession, has it effected you?

Has the recession hit your work yet?

For the past month or so the market ha been quiet on many fronts, clients are reducing spend and news from the freelance world is that contracts are either drying up to none existent.

For me I've been very busy at work with a few clients but I have noticed a few account handlers at the agency scrambling to find recession proof clients to bring in (is there such a thing?).

But news from the WPP god father Martin Sorrell predicts that our industry wont feel the worst of it till Jan 09. I'm not sure how much worse it can get, with redundancies happening every where at the moment (LOWE, Publicis, Tequila to name a few) the outlook looks bleaker than ever.

So is there any good news?

Not really, usually in dark times such as these freelancers and smaller boutiques get loads of business as it's more bang for their buck for clients but so far this hasn't even come close to materialising.

My only advice to a lot of you that are worried about redundancies is to be heard and to be seen doing something pro-active otherwise as Ed morris once said "out of sight out of mind, out of mind no job.

I'd love to hear how the global financial market has effected you if at all, have you noticed any worried people about or are you concerned about another part of this chain?

Monday 15 September 2008

Second installment of the Microsoft Ad

I'll be honest, I still don't really get it, it's mildly entertaining though and by that I mean it doesn't make me want to rip my eyes out of my sockets.


Saturday 13 September 2008

ATOM smash!!!! Hey haven't I seen you somewhere before?

So this week announced the historic activation of the "Large Hadron Collider"

The collider thing (It's expensive)

It looks familiar though, where have I seen it before?


Thanks to John Daziel for pointing it out :P

Thursday 11 September 2008

Wireframes why we need them and why some of us hate them.

So here's one for all you interactive bods.

Wire frames, love them or hate them we do need them in the world of online, it gives us an idea of what content needs to be on the page at any time but what happens when this isn't the case.

Welcome to the post "When wire frames go bad!"

How do wire frames go bad? Well there are a couple of ways this could happen.
  1. Account handlers take them as a layout
  2. Project managers take them as a layout
  3. Client takes them as a layout
To be honest any one that does in my opinion is an idiot but you can get all sorts in this industry, but bar this problem wire frames are very important they give visual references to sections of a website that functional specifications just wont give (and it's a slightly less dull.... slightly).

So for all people that are looking to go into online your creative development is just about to get a little bit more complicated.


Well as previous posts have pointed out; online has to work a lot harder. It has relies on more than just a good idea, as for this post we will see how wire frames effect the creative process.

When building most things that are online based a good idea of the content is always good, I suppose some might say that this is the interactive version of initial scamps.

So by creating a wire frame you now know roughly what type of functionality and experience you are going to get.

Pssst don't forget the first part of the post, always manage expectation and let people know it's a "wire frame/scamp".

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Back in the day

So link of the day today is Yearbook yourself, it's a nice little app that places your face on pictures from different (American style) college guys or gals.

Check it out

Here are a few of myself

70's Chee

Afro Chee

Monday 8 September 2008

Wonderful street art

Wooster is a site that celebrates street ar, it doesn't matter what style or what the location.

Check it out at

Friday 5 September 2008

Cadbury's Gorilla and Trucks

Fallon have re-released the Gorilla and trucks ad with new tracks so without further a do here they are

What do you think?

Personally I prefer the originals.

Microsoft and Seinfeld

So Microsoft have signed Seinfeld to do some ads, here's the first one in the series.

Initial thoughts are.............. WTF!!!.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Attention all Interactive/Digital Art Directors

It's been a rather hectic month for me, been very busy with an online gaming idea but don't dispair, for the next week or two I will be posting a favourite link of mine per day.

For today it's business guys on business, I found this quite amusing, coming from a more digital background I can relate to this.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

New KFC ad

This made me laugh

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Martin Sorrell on the Olympics and media

So for all you marketers out there, here's an interview with Sir Martin Sorrell.

He discusses the Olympics and online/offline media, both may be important words to the accounts and certain creatives.

Click here to see the video.