Thursday, 21 August 2008

Does it offend you?

Today I want to discuss ads that have recently been banned or discussed due to how offensive it is.

First of all I want to ask a question, how many of you are guilty of laughing at something you really shouldn't have.

Second is how many of you base your conduct on societies reaction of you.

What has annoyed me is peoples reaction to these ads, all of them are supposed to be in jest. Of course it's easy to find the problems but are they really a problem?

I am going to talk about the 3 latest ads to come under fire:

Heinz Deli Ad
So this ad got pulled because of the homosexual content. Lets talk about the scene in question, a guy kisses another guy in which one guy is playing the wife. Why did this offend you?

Is it because there are 2 same sex people kissing, perhaps it's because you feel it's taking the piss or promoting gay marriages, may be it just makes you feel awkward.

But is it any of the above?

Would you be offended by the rocky horror show, may be Lily Savage or Eddie Izzard how about if you had a crossing child playing role play?

Snickers Ad
So Mr. T decides that speed walkers are a disgrace to the man race and all of a sudden we all decide that the ad is attacking gay people.

So it's not that a man mincing and swinging his hips side to side is bloody disgusting, Noooo!

We have automatically deduced that a Man > speed walking > mincing = gotta be gay.

For me; complaints on this ad has just based on a whole lot of assumption based on innuendo.

Spanish Olympic Basketball Ad
Well this one is more obviously offensive but what I don't like is the amount of fuss it's been kicking up. First of all they have almost used this ad as an excuse to bring up more of a reason to hate the Spanish.

Sure it's a misjudged ad but it's not aimed to alienate the Chinese.

I suppose what I'm getting at with all these ads is that we aren't really offended by these ads, in fact I think that we are offended because we are worried about how people see us and that society says we should but behind closed doors we are secretly having a giggle with your close mates.

Am I wrong?

Leave a comment and tell me why I am.

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