Thursday, 7 August 2008

It's time for an edition or good idea, bought idea

As you've all gathered this post is about ideas, who does what, who says what and who sells what

So what are good ideas?

Are good ideas the ones the creative thinks best serve the purpose or is it the accounts team.

Then after this argument who's in the right? The agency, the client? We all know he saying the customer is always right but how true is that. Is it the agencies job to lead the way on ideas or the clients seeing as he's paying?

People in the industry will have witnessed some howlers of advertising suicide with shoddy campaigns etc. and I'm sure in the process heads have rolled in the passed but who is essentially responsible? You? Me? The client?

And how do we make sure that the good ideas run. I suppose what it boils down to is; are we working for good ideas, or ideas that can be bought.

We also need to bear in mind that we can be too precious about work, David Ogilvy said "You can't critique your own work" this isn't to say what we come up with will be wrong but just be prepared to face tough criticism to meet a greater good.

So have a think about it next time you are cursing the client, account team, creative and let know what you come up with.

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