Thursday, 31 July 2008

You won't find anymore crap ads there

Right I have my rant hat on today.

How many of you think the new T-mobile camping is crap. I do and I'll tell you exactly why.
  1. They don't make sense
  2. They have awful visuals and scripts
Here are some examples:

Let me know your thoughts on these ads as if you think I'm wrong I would like to hear your thoughts are on this topic.

Now you may also argue that because I am talking about it then it surely it's doing its job.

I disagree.

I think the context in which we're talking about it will have a negative effect on the brand, the reason I don't think this ad works is because of the confusion it brings to people, it's not actually doing anything as a spot. Some of you may recall the "mega" ads for Cadbury's that don't make sense but it did in a very subliminal way. It's sold you happiness/joy.


It's sold you an experience of enjoyment, which was bought to you by Cadbury's. T-mobile on the other hand don't, it annoys me, I have no idea what the props have to do with the minutes it keeps going on about.

Amazingly enough I found out that Saatchi & Saatchi UK did this which disappoints me as I quite highly regards Saatchi's as an agency but when they're out putting this drivel then maybe I need to re-evaluate my opinions.

1 comment:

Philip said...

it was probably a great concept to begin with, until the client shat all over it. all mobile advertising is pretty drab these days. i used to like the 3 ads, they we're totally bizarre.